
Ken Murphy Ken Murphy

Protecting Yourself from Mosquitoes and Ticks in Maine

As the warm weather returns to Maine, so do the unwelcome guests: mosquitoes and ticks. These small but potentially dangerous insects are not just nuisances; they are vectors for serious diseases that can have long-lasting impacts on health. Understanding the risks and taking preventive measures can help protect you and your family from the diseases they spread.

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Ken Murphy Ken Murphy

What Diseases Do Mosquitoes Carry In Maine?

While often associated with annoying itches and pesky buzzing, mosquitoes can pose a more significant threat in Maine and other regions—the transmission of mosquito-borne illnesses. In today’s blog post, our local pest control company will delve into how mosquitoes become carriers of diseases, what mosquito-borne diseases Maine residents should know about, and what measures can be taken to reduce the risk of illness caused by mosquitoes.

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Ken Murphy Ken Murphy

NPMA Releases 2024 Spring & Summer Bug Barometer

Last month, the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) released its Spring & Summer 2024 Bug Barometer, and it looks like there’s a good chance Maine homeowners may see ants and ticks earlier in the year than usual. What’s more, above-average rainfall could cause the mosquito population to explode.  Today, we’re going to take a closer look at the pests our local pest control specialists anticipate seeing in the next few weeks (or sooner) and how we can help property owners in Dresden, Chelsea, and Boothbay Harbor, as well as throughout our service area keep these pests away. 

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Ken Murphy Ken Murphy

Battling Bloodsucking Pests In Maine

Bloodsucking pests like mosquitoes, ticks, and bed bugs may seem like minor nuisances to some, but for nearly one-third of Americans, they're a source of genuine concern. According to a survey conducted by the National Pest Management (NPMA) in October last year, nearly 30% of Americans worry about being bit and about the potential consequences of encountering these pests. In today’s blog post, we’ll look at the concerns associated with these biting insects and offer some tips to avoid encounters with them.

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Ken Murphy Ken Murphy

Where Carpenter Ants Go in the Winter in Maine

Carpenter ants, notorious for their wood-damaging habits, are a common concern for Mainers during the spring, summer, and fall months. But what about wintertime? Are carpenter ants active during the winter months, and if not, where do they go? In today’s blog post, Advanced Pest Solutions's local pest control pros will explain what happens to these large black ants when the weather grows colder.

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Ken Murphy Ken Murphy

Common Signs Of Bed Bugs In Maine

Other than the storm that knocked out power for several thousand Maine residents right before Christmas, we’ve not really had an eventful winter. Still, if you’re tired of the short days and are planning a winter getaway, we really don’t blame you and our only advice would be to make sure you don’t bring bed bugs home with you. In this post, we’ll identify the most common signs of bed bugs to help you avoid these biting pests no matter where you go.

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Ken Murphy Ken Murphy

Are Mice A Fire Hazard?

In previous blogs, we’ve spent a great deal of time discussing mice. We’ve covered topics like whether peppermint oil repels mice, how to tell if you have a mouse problem in your home, and where mice hide. In today’s blog post, we will continue to discuss these small rodents and explore how a mouse infestation can turn into a fire hazard, how homeowners can prevent these risks, and what to do if you’re already dealing with a mouse problem.

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Ken Murphy Ken Murphy

Does Peppermint Oil Really Deter Mice?

Now that Halloween has passed and the first frost has come and gone, we can say with certainty fall has arrived! With the shift in weather, many Maine homeowners may find themselves facing a common problem and that is unwanted visitors of the furry variety. We’re talking about mice, and these small rodents can be a real nuisance in and around homes, bringing with them the potential for damage and health issues. In their quest to keep mice away, some homeowners turn to DIY solutions, one of which is peppermint oil. But, does peppermint oil really deter mice? In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at this do-it-yourself method and why it may not be as effective as you think. We'll also discuss why professional pest control is the best solution for Maine residents looking to keep mice out of their homes, not only this fall but all year long.

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Ken Murphy Ken Murphy

How Do You Know If You Have A Mouse Problem?

Whether you’ve happily broken out the fall wardrobe or are stubbornly refusing to acknowledge the chilly mornings, the truth is fall has arrived in Maine and it’s time to keep an eye out for mice. This is the time of year when all types of rodents in Maine are on the search for a place to call home this winter. Unfortunately, if your home offers protection from the elements and also food and water sources, there’s a good chance you could have uninvited houseguests. In order to prevent a full-blown mouse problem, it would be helpful for homeowners to know how to tell if mice have come calling. In this blog post, we’re sharing five common signs of a mouse problem to look out for this month and really all year round. 

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Ken Murphy Ken Murphy

Fall Pest Problem Q&A For Maine Homeowners

There’s something special about that first cool, crisp fall day that most Mainers look forward to. It truly is a wonderful time to call the Pine Tree state home and while the fall foliage is fantastic and the apple picking is on point, it has its drawbacks. It’s also the time of year when many insects and a couple of rodents start looking for shelter and food sources for the colder months. With that in mind, our locally owned and operated pest control company is going to use this time to answer a few of the more commonly asked questions about fall pest problems.

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Ken Murphy Ken Murphy

Types of Wasps in Maine

It’s summertime in Maine and that means there are plenty of wasps buzzing about. In fact, as the calendar marches towards fall, there’s a very good chance you’ll see even more of these stinging insects around your home or maybe even inside it. In this blog post, we’ll identify the common types of wasps in Maine, explain why these stinging pests seem to kick into overdrive once late summer hits, and what property owners can do to protect against painful stings.

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Ken Murphy Ken Murphy

Mosquito Season In Maine Can Be Wicked Intense

Ah, summer in Maine! Sunny days, constant road construction, and tourists pouring in from just about every corner of the world. And we can’t forget about the mosquitoes. Dreaded mosquitoes. In this blog post, we’ll discuss why mosquito season can be wicked intense, what property owners can do to keep these biting pests from taking over, and how professional mosquito control is a great way to protect their families from mosquito bites.

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Ken Murphy Ken Murphy

Ant-Proof Your Maine Home: Helpful Tips To Keep Ants Away This Summer

Although summer hasn’t officially arrived here in Maine, already we’re seeing tourists pouring into the state and ants on the move. While there’s not much we can do about the former, the local pest control team here at Advanced Pest Solutions have a few tips to help property owners keep the latter away from their home this summer. Read on to learn more about the ants commonly found in Maine as well as ant prevention tips that will help stop ants from making their way indoors.

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Ken Murphy Ken Murphy

What New Residents Should Know About Ticks In Maine

Maine has become one of the most moved-to states since COVID pandemic started. That got us thinking, are new residents aware of the tick problem in our state and are they taking the proper precautions to protect their families from tick bites?

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Ken Murphy Ken Murphy

Types of Rodents In Maine

Here in Maine, we have our fair share of house-infesting rodents and while they all have the same MO and that’s to find food, water, and shelter, they look and behave differently. In today’s blog post, we’re going to take a closer look at a few of the more common rodent problems property owners in Maine may run into.

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Ken Murphy Ken Murphy

Enjoy A Bed Bug Free Spring Break 

Spring break is one of the most anticipated times of the year – a time to relax, enjoy some time away from home, and explore new places. But did you know that coming home from your vacation could mean bringing unwelcome pests with you? Bed bugs are one of the most common of these pests, and they can be easily transported from place to place. The best way to keep bed bugs out of your home is to make sure you don’t bring them home from spring break.

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Ken Murphy Ken Murphy

Is DIY Pest Control Dangerous?

Finding mouse droppings and other signs of pest infestation in and around your home can be annoying and a bit disconcerting if we’re being completely honest. No one wants to share their home with insects or rodents and yet it happens and all most homeowners can think of is how do I solve this problem right now? The next step really depends on your personality- do you run a Google search for a local pest control company or grab the car keys and head out in search of a DIY solution at the store? In this blog post, we’re going to focus on the latter option and more specifically the dangers and pitfalls of choosing this course of action.

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Ken Murphy Ken Murphy

Not A Creature Was Stirring, Not Even A Mouse

While we all want a pest-free home this holiday season, it won’t necessarily be the case for everyone. You see, mice and bugs won’t stop infesting homes just because we want to enjoy the holidays without stressing about pest troubles. So how do Maine homeowners ensure that mice and other creatures won’t cause a stir this holiday season? In the spirit of giving, Advanced Pest Solutions has a few ideas to share.  

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Ken Murphy Ken Murphy

Where Do Mice Hide?

As it is the time of year when homeowners are apt to start rummaging through closets or the attic in search of their holiday décor, we thought it seemed an appropriate time to issue a warning about mice and where you’re likely to find them hiding INSIDE your home this fall.

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