Home Pest Control

Sign up for home pest control today and lock in your pricing for two years!

Sign up for home pest control today and lock in your pricing for two years!

Superior Pest Protection For Maine Homes

Advanced Pest Solutions, a locally owned and operated Maine pest control company with more than 30 years of industry experience, offers quality pest control services for homeowners who are tired of sharing their home with nuisance and potentially destructive insect and rodents. Serving central and coastal Maine, our highly trained team of pest control experts provide Integrated Pest Management (IPM) solutions for your home that are based on your needs and of course your budget.

Premium Care


Our Premium Care plan is an excellent choice for homes that are experiencing infestations of common household pests including ants, beetles, and mice. This residential pest control plan includes: 

  • Year-round pest control

  • Two seasonal services 

  • Interior and exterior treatments

  • No-charge service guarantee

  • Covers 42 pests 

Covered pests include carpenter ants, cornfield ants, crazy ants, field ants, little black ants, carpet beetles, ground beetles, hide beetles, boxelder bugs, centipedes, clover mites, field crickets, house crickets, earwigs, millipedes, pill bugs, firebrats, silverfish, cellar spiders, daddy longlegs, house spiders, jumping spiders, sac spiders, wolf spiders, springtails, sow bugs, Western conifer seed bugs, carpenter bees, baldfaced hornets, European hornets, mud daubers, paper wasps, yellow jackets, deer mice, house mice, Norway rats, and roof rats. 

Asian lady beetles, cat fleas, dog fleas, cluster flies, and fruit flies are not included in the Premium Care plan but can be added for an additional fee.

Premium Care +


Premium Care Plus is our most comprehensive home pest control plan and is ideal for property owners who want the best protection for their homes, families, and pets! Another ongoing pest control plan, it includes: 

  • Year-round pest control

  • Three seasonal services 

  • Interior and exterior treatments

  • No-charge service guarantee

  • Covers 61 pests 

Covered pests include carpenter ants, cornfield ants, crazy ants, field ants, little black ants, carpet beetles, ground beetles, hide beetles, boxelder bugs, centipedes, clover mites, field crickets, house crickets, earwigs, millipedes, pill bugs, firebrats, silverfish, cellar spiders, daddy longlegs, house spiders, jumping spiders, sac spiders, wolf spiders, springtails, sow bugs, Western conifer seed bugs, carpenter bees, baldfaced hornets, European hornets, mud daubers, paper wasps, yellow jackets, deer mice, house mice, Norway rats, and roof rats PLUS cigarette beetles, drugstore beetles, red flour beetles, larder beetles, saw-toothed grain beetles, warehouse beetles, American cockroaches, brown-banded cockroaches, German cockroaches, wood cockroaches, bean weevils, greater rice weevils, Angoumois grain moths, drain moths, Indian meal moths, Mediterranean flour mouth, confused flour beetles, and granary weevils.

Asian lady beetles, cat fleas, dog fleas, fruit flies and cluster flies are not included in the Premium Care + plan but can be added for an additional fee.

One-Time Treatments

At Advanced Pest Solutions, we realize every homeowner is different. Whether your home only experiences occasional pest problems or you’re not comfortable signing up for a year-round pest control plan, our pest control specialists are here for you. In fact, we offer one-time treatments for over 60+ pests, really whatever’s bugging you. When you need us for help getting rid of ants, we’ll be there! If you’re experiencing an infestation of German roaches, give us a call! If you’ve discovered mouse poop in the kitchen or are hearing noises in the walls at night, we’ve got you covered! 

Other Services


What To Expect When You Choose Us

When you choose Advanced Pest Solutions as your home pest control provider, you are ensuring that your home and family are well-protected. Every time we come to your home, we follow our proven insect and rodent control process.

professional pest control inspections in maine

Customer Discussion & Inspection 

One of Advanced Pest Solutions’ owners will arrive to perform your home inspection. We’ll start by finding out what you’ve observed. This includes what you’ve seen and maybe what you’ve heard, if you’ve been able to identify where the activity is, and other questions that help us zero in on the pest(s).

After that, we’ll perform a thorough inspection of your home. Our evaluation will begin in the area where you think the problem is and extend to the rest of the house as well as the surrounding property. 

Once we’ve completed the inspection, we’ll communicate our findings to you and recommendation a home pest control plan and we’ll perform our initial service to eliminate existing pest pressures.

pest control tech performing pest control service around a maine home

Exterior Treatment

To keep bugs and rodents out of your home, we’ll create a perimeter of protection around your home, attached garage, and outbuildings.

The exterior service also includes cobweb removal and wasp nest removal (applicable to nests that are within our technician’s reach).

If your plan includes the installation of exterior rodent stations and exclusion, we’ll take care of that too.

pest control treatment for inside my home

Interior Treatment

On the inside of the home, we’ll treat the interior of the whole house including the attic and basement if they can be accessed safely.

The interior service may include the use of ant bait and other liquid material application. We typically also dust pipes and wires to eliminate insects and rodents that use them as highways throughout your home. 

If your plan includes the installation of interior rodent control devices, we’ll complete that as well. 

Request Your Estimate Today!

If you have a pest problem but aren’t sure what to do or even what the pest is, simply contact Advanced Pest Solutions to request your estimate today. If necessary, we’d be happy to stop by to investigate the problem and offer a solution to resolve it! Don’t put up with pests taking over your home, we are here to help!