Carpenter Ant Control

The Best Defense Against Destructive Carpenter Ants

Here in Maine, it’s common for homeowners to notice large black ants foraging in or around their homes and not give it a second thought. Unfortunately, they are carpenter ants. Wood-destroying pests, carpenter ants are capable of inflicting damage to structures as they tunnel their way through wood in order to create nesting areas or galleries. Stuck windows or doors, sloping floors, sagging ceilings, and bulging walls are just a few signs of carpenter ant damage and warnings that should not be ignored.

Advanced Pest Solutions provides effective carpenter ants control services in Hallowell, Brunswick, Boothbay Harbor, and to communities throughout our central and coastal Maine service area. With over 30 years of pest control experience, we are the team to call when you want to protect your home or business from these damaging ants!

Our Carpenter Ant Control Solutions

At Advanced Pest Solutions, our pest management specialists are highly trained and licensed pros that use the most advanced methods and materials to get rid of carpenter ants. When you contact us for help with your carpenter ant problem or even if you’re concerned that you might have an infestation of these large ants, here’s what you can expect:


Interview with client

One of Advanced Pest Solution’s owners will arrive at your property to complete your inspection. We’ll start the process with a conversation to find out what you’re seeing, where you’re seeing it, and any other observations you’ve made.

Carpenter ant inspection

After our discussion with you, we’ll begin our inspection focusing on the areas of concern noted first and then the rest of the interior. We’ll also inspect the exterior and surrounding property for evidence of carpenter ants.

Carpenter ant treatment

Once we’ve completed our inspection, confirmed the presence of carpenter ants, found where they’re getting in, and evaluated the severity of the infestation and the damage they’ve caused, we’ll develop and implement a carpenter ant treatment plan. This service typically includes an exterior treatment that creates a 10-foot band around the structure. We’ll also perform an interior treatment that includes the basement and attic.


In addition to providing treatment for the carpenter ant problem, we’ll also point out conditions that are attracting carpenter ants to your structure and property in the first place. Things like rotting trees and water damage (inside or out) will be identified so that you can take the necessary corrective action.

Benefits Of An Annual Carpenter Ant Program

For property owners concerned about carpenter ants returning every spring, Advanced Pest Solutions offers an annual carpenter ant program. This solution includes everything mentioned above plus it comes with a one-year carpenter ant warranty that can be renewed at a discounted rate.

Premium Care Plan For Protection From Carpenter Ants & Other Pests

Carpenter ants aren’t the only pests active in and around Maine homes. If you’re interested in a home pest control plan that targets carpenter ants AND other common household pests, consider our Premium Care plan. Providing year-round protection from a variety of insects and rodents, Advanced’s Premium Care plan is the ideal solution and includes a no-charge service guarantee; that means if covered pests come back between services, we’ll come back to re-treat at no charge* to you!


Schedule Your Carpenter Ant Evaluation Today!

If you’ve noticed carpenter ants foraging in or around your home, have witnessed winged ants on your property, or simply want to make sure these destructive ants haven’t established themselves on your property, contact Advanced Pest Solutions to request a quote or to schedule an evaluation today!

*Excludes charges for additional equipment if applicable