Wildlife Control Services

Maine Wildlife Specialists

If you’re hearing noises in the wall, scurrying feet overhead, or have discovered a critter in or around your structure, contact Advanced Pest Solutions. Serving communities in central and coastal Maine, our wildlife control professionals have over 30 years of industry experience, are ADC certified, and stand ready to help you evict your uninvited guests.

opossum trapped by advanced pest solutions in maine

Wildlife Problems Are No Problem For Us

At Advanced Pest Solutions, we specialize in the removal and prevention of small wildlife that often invade homes and businesses in our area. Our wildlife control services target:

  • Pigeons

  • Raccoons

  • Red squirrels

  • Skunks

  • Starlings

  • Swallows

  • Chipmunks

  • Flying squirrels

  • Gophers

  • Ground hogs

  • Eastern gray squirrels

  • Opossums

  • Bats

Our Wildlife Removal & Control Services

At Advanced Pest Solutions, our wildlife control specialists are highly trained and fully licensed professionals that leverage the latest methods and equipment to resolve issues. Our wildlife removal and control process is outlined below.

trapped racoon from wildlife control professionals

Interview with client

When you schedule a free inspection with Advanced Pest Solutions about a potential wildlife problem, one of our owners will arrive on site. We’ll start with a conversation with the property owner to discover what they’ve been seeing and/or hearing.


Based on our conversation, we’ll either go immediately to the suspected infested area to evaluate the problem or start a thorough inspection inside. We’ll make our way outside to look for issues on the exterior of the home or structure, if needed. Accurate identification is essential as is finding out how they’re getting inside.

Develop a game plan

Once we have a better idea of what and how the critter(s) are getting in, we’ll develop a plan of action. Our wildlife control methods include trapping, installation of one-way doors, and the use of bird netting or humane bird spikes as well as exclusion and habitat modification. We may also suggest clean-up services that focus on repairing and sanitizing the infested area.

Implement plan

Depending on the type and severity of the problem, the type of removal technique or strategies we employ, we’ll implement the plan of action either on the same day or we’ll schedule service and return as the plan necessitates.

Schedule Your Wildlife Evaluation Today!

At Advanced Pest Solutions, our team has a proven and long track record of solving the wildlife problems that vex property owners in our service area. Schedule your evaluation today to find out how we can help you take back your home or business!