Bed Bug Control Services

Effective Bed Bug Treatments From Advanced Pest Solutions

Getting a good night’s rest can be challenging on a good night. It’s even more difficult when you’re sharing your bed or living space with bed bugs. Yes, it’s hard to sleep tight if you have to worry about bed bug bites. If you’ve discovered small bites on your skin, blood or fecal stains on your sheets, or other signs of a bed bug infestation in your home or business, contact the experts at Advanced Pest Solutions. Our locally owned and operated pest control company offers effective bed bug control services in many communities throughout central and coastal Maine and are ready to help you eliminate bed bugs – completely!

Our Bed Bug Control Process

When you reach out to us for help getting rid of bed bugs, one the owners of Advanced Pest Solutions will arrive to evaluate the situation and recommend a solution. From beginning to end, our bed bug control process is quite thorough and includes:


Discussion with property owner/tenant

As is the case with most of our services, we’ll start with an in-depth conversation with the property owner or tenant to learn more about the problem including what they’ve seen and where they think bed bugs are infesting.

Visual inspection

Accurate identification is a must when it comes to bed bugs so once we’ve talked with the client, we’ll perform a visual inspection of the suspected room(s) and then make our way to other areas if necessary. During the course of our inspection, we’ll check mattresses, box springs, and bed frames for bed bugs or signs of them as well as other furniture and items in the suspected infested area. Upon completion of our assessment, we’ll share our findings.

Creation of bed bug treatment plan

If we positively confirm the presence of bed bugs, we’ll develop a bed bug treatment plan and explain how to prepare for a bed bug treatment. Because there is a degree of preparation required before we can treat, we’ll provide a bed bug treatment preparation checklist and schedule service.  

Implementation of customized plan

On treatment day, one of our pest management professionals will service the infested area as well as adjoining rooms, the living room, hallways, and other areas of concern. Treatment consists of the use of conventional material applied to all furniture, baseboards, cracks and crevices, outlets and light sockets as well as other likely bed bug harborages.

Schedule Your Bed Bug Evaluation

Without proper treatment, bed bugs will not go away. Rather than toss your mattress and furniture, contact Advanced Pest Solutions to schedule a free bed bug evaluation* today. You can count on our team to help you eliminate bed bugs quickly and efficiently!

*some exclusions apply