What Diseases Do Mosquitoes Carry In Maine?

While often associated with annoying itches and pesky buzzing, mosquitoes can pose a more significant threat in Maine and other regions—the transmission of mosquito-borne illnesses. In today’s blog post, our local pest control company will delve into how mosquitoes become carriers of diseases, what mosquito-borne diseases Maine residents should know about, and what measures can be taken to reduce the risk of illness caused by mosquitoes. 

Common mosquito-borne illnesses in Maine

Mosquitoes are not just bloodsucking insects; they can also serve as vectors for various pathogens, including viruses and parasites. In Maine, one of the primary concerns is the transmission of diseases such as West Nile virus, Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE), and Jamestown Canyon. These illnesses can have mild to severe consequences for human health, ranging from flu-like symptoms to neurological complications and, in rare cases, even death.

How mosquitoes spread illness 

It's helpful to understand the mosquito life cycle to understand how mosquitoes transmit illness to people and pets. Female mosquitoes breed in standing water, laying their eggs in places like ponds, marshes, ditches, and even in rainwater that collects in canoes, wheelbarrows, flowerpots, and other items around the yard. Before they can lay their eggs and provide nourishment, they must take a blood meal. Unfortunately, this is where they can pick up pathogens from infected animals or humans. Once infected, mosquitoes act as carriers, spreading the disease to new hosts with each bite. 

It's important to note that male mosquitoes do not bite and, therefore, cannot transmit disease to people or animals. 

Is the risk of acquiring a mosquito-borne illness great in Maine?

In Maine, the risk of mosquito-borne illnesses varies depending on factors such as weather and human behavior. Warmer temperatures and increased rainfall can create optimal breeding conditions for mosquitoes, leading to higher rates of disease transmission. Additionally, certain regions of the state may be more prone to outbreaks due to environmental factors conducive to mosquito populations.

Protect yourself and your loved ones from mosquito bites

To reduce the chances of being bitten by mosquitoes and acquiring a mosquito-borne illness, our pest control specialists recommend implementing the following mosquito prevention tips:

  • Discard trash, discarded tires, and other yard debris.

  • Make sure gutters are draining properly. 

  • Maintain your swimming pool and/or hot tub. 

  • Turn wheelbarrows, canoes, kiddie pools, empty flowerpots, and other items over so that they cannot collect water. 

  • Stop outdoor faucets from dripping. 

  • Replace or repair ripped window and door screens. 

  • Fill in holes and other landscape depressions that hold rainwater. 

  • Pick up tarps. 

  • Mow your lawn regularly and cut back tall grass and dense vegetation.

  • Thin out shrubs, bushes, and other landscape elements. 

  • Do not overwater plants. 

  • Check to see if your storm drain is free of twigs, branches, and other debris. 

Do professional mosquito treatments really work? 

During the summer months in Maine, it can sometimes feel like there are more mosquitoes than people. This can lead to skepticism about the effectiveness of mosquito control measures. Here at Advanced Pest Solutions, we understand the hesitation in believing mosquito treatments can have an impact on mosquito populations, but they really can help! 

In fact, our mosquito control services are designed to drastically reduce the number of adult mosquitoes flying around AND disrupt the mosquito breeding process. Available in Damariscotta, Farmington, and Harpswell, as well as throughout our central and coastal Maine service area, our mosquito control services include thorough mosquito inspections to identify mosquito breeding sites and other hot spots and monthly yard treatments, April through September.

What’s more, this seasonal service also eliminates biting, disease-spreading ticks at the same time! That’s right when you sign up with Advanced Pest Solutions, our team will work diligently to keep both biting pests away all summer long. 

Reach out today for help getting rid of mosquitoes

While the threat of mosquito-borne illnesses looms in Maine, it is not insurmountable. By understanding how mosquitoes spread disease and implementing effective prevention and control measures, you can reduce the risk and enjoy the great outdoors with greater peace of mind. 

For more information or to sign up for service, reach out to Advanced Pest Solutions today! 


Protecting Yourself from Mosquitoes and Ticks in Maine


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