Common Signs Of Bed Bugs In Maine

Other than the storm that knocked out power for several thousand Maine residents right before Christmas, we’ve not really had an eventful winter. Still, if you’re tired of the short days and are planning a winter getaway, we really don’t blame you and our only advice would be to make sure you don’t bring bed bugs home with you. In this post, we’ll identify the most common signs of bed bugs to help you avoid these biting pests no matter where you go. 

Common signs of bed bugs

Live bugs

One of the most common and obvious signs of a bed bug infestation is the presence of live bugs. Adult bed bugs are reddish-brown, flat (if they’ve not had a blood meal), and are about the size of an apple seed. Bed bug nymphs are similar in appearance but smaller and lighter in color.  You’re likely to see live bed bugs crawling on mattresses and box springs as well as headboards and bedframes. We should point out that they will infest nightstands and other wooden furniture as well as upholstered furniture. They can also be found under carpeting, between floorboards, on drapes and other fabrics, behind wall hangings, and even inside electronics. Simply put, these pests have no trouble finding hiding spots in hotel rooms, Airbnb’s, cruise ship cabins, and homes. 

Bed bug eggs

Bed bug eggs are tiny, oval-shaped, and pearly white. Bed bugs typically lay their eggs in the cracks and crevices on or near the bed. 

Bed bug bites

Bed bug bites usually present as red, itchy welts on exposed skin, especially arms and legs. Not everyone reacts to bed bug bites, so some individuals may not show any visible signs. What’s more, bed bug bites don’t always show up right away – it can be several days before bite marks appear. 

Blood spots on the sheets or mattress

As bed bugs feed, their bodies fill up with blood and they’re often crushed as their victims roll over. When this happens, you might find blood spots on the sheets or mattress. 

Dark stains on bedding

Like mice, bed bugs tend to leave behind droppings wherever they go. These fecal spots look like small, dark stains on bedding, mattresses, and upholstery. 

Musty odor

In the case of a severe bed bug problem, occupants of the property may notice a sweet yet must odor. This is the “alarm pheromone” that is released from their scent glands. While not as obvious with only a bed bug or two, it can certainly become more pronounced the worse the infestation is. 

How to check for bed bugs wherever you go

Checking your accommodation for bed bugs is a must – that is if you want to enjoy a bed bug-free stay and not bring these biting pests home with you. Whether you’ve checked into a hotel room, met up with friends and family at an Airbnb, or booked a cruise, follow these steps to inspect for signs of bed bugs:

  • Don’t unpack
    Do not remove your clothes and toiletries from your suitcase until you know for certain your lodgings are free of bed bugs. You might go one step further and not unpack at all, but rather work out of your bags for the duration of your stay. 

  • Inspect the bed
    You’re going to want to inspect every inch of the bed including mattress seams, tufts, and folds as well as the box spring and the entire bed frame. Be sure to lift the mattress for this inspection and don’t forget to inspect bedding. 

  • Examine nearby furniture
    Open drawers and inspect the interiors of nightstands, desks, and other furniture but also the cracks and crevices along each piece and even behind it. 

  • Look over wall hangings
    Inspect any wall hangings, especially those near the bed. The small bugs can hide behind frames, mirrors, and other room décor. 

  • Check outlets & switch plates
    Bed bugs may hide in electrical outlets and switch plates so be sure to use a flashlight and inspect these areas carefully. 

  • Inspect the baseboards and carpeting
    Since bed bugs like to hide relatively close to beds, you should also check along baseboards and edges of carpet for live bugs and even eggs. 

In addition to rooms with beds, you should also common spaces (especially if there’s a pull-out couch), bathrooms, and really the entire space for peace of mind. 

Inspecting your luggage for bed bugs when you get home

Even if your accommodations were free of bed bugs, there’s still the possibility of encountering them on airplanes, trains, cabs, and other modes of public transportation. So, upon returning home, inspect your luggage and all of your belongings before bringing them inside. Wash and dry your clothes on the highest heat possible. And finally, keep an eye out for any unexplained bites or skin irritations for several days. 

What to do if discover bed bugs or signs of them at home

If you’re worried that you brought bed bugs home with you, contact Advanced Pest Solutions for help! Offering customized bed bug control in Augusta and Waterville as well as throughout our Central and Coastal Maine service area, we are here to help get rid of bed bugs- completely.  


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