Battling Bloodsucking Pests In Maine

Bloodsucking pests like mosquitoes, ticks, and bed bugs may seem like minor nuisances to some, but for nearly one-third of Americans, they're a source of genuine concern. According to a survey conducted by the National Pest Management (NPMA) in October last year, nearly 30% of Americans worry about being bit and about the potential consequences of encountering these pests. In today’s blog post, we’ll look at the concerns associated with these biting insects and offer some tips to avoid encounters with them. 

Should Mainers be worried about these bloodsucking pests?

Unfortunately, there is reason to be concerned about bloodsucking pests, and those who are worried are not being irrational. Some of these insects can adversely affect health. For instance, there are two mosquito-borne diseases endemic to Maine – Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) and West Nile virus. Ticks are also a serious threat to the health of Mainers. Our state has high rates of tick-borne diseases, including Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, and babesiosis. Thankfully bed bug bites are not a threat to health as these biting pests do not spread disease.  

In addition to the health risks noted above, there’s the possibility of experiencing an allergic reaction to insect bites. Symptoms can range from mild itching to severe swelling and difficulty breathing. Fortunately, this is not a common reaction, but it’s not unheard of. 

How bloodsucking pests affect quality of life

Dealing with infestations of bed bugs can result in sleepless nights, and the anxiety of being infested by these biting pests can take a toll on mental well-being. 

And when it comes to mosquitoes and ticks, these pests are wicked good at disrupting outdoor activities. While that may not seem like a big deal, Maine residents need all the Vitamin D they can get. Being driven indoors by blood-thirsty female mosquitoes or worrying about deer ticks latching on detracts from the enjoyment of being outside.  

Minimizing the risk of being bitten

So, while the worry about mosquitoes, ticks, and bed bugs is understandable, there are practical steps you can take to minimize the risks associated with these pests. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Consider applying insect repellent when spending time outdoors.

  • Wear long sleeves and pants tucked into socks when venturing into wooded areas.

  • Avoid being outside at dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active.

  • Make sure window screens are installed properly and are free of rips or tears. 

  • To avoid ticks, stay on trails and paths rather than bushwhacking.

  • Eliminate standing water where mosquitoes breed.

  • Unclog gutters and make sure downspouts divert water away from the foundation.

  • Remove leaf litter and other organic debris from your yard.

  • Clear out dense overgrowth and keep your lawn trimmed during the growing season. 

  • Inspect hotel room for signs of bed bugs.

  • Inspect used beds, furniture, clothing, and other belongings before you introduce them into your home. 

  • Make sure your college-aged children inspect their belongings for bed bugs when coming home for break. 

Professional pest control services in Maine

Here at Advanced Pest Solutions, we offer pest control services that specifically target the biting pests covered in this post. Below, please find a summary of each service and call us for help you if you’re worried about pests infesting your home or taking over your yard this spring or anytime of the year!

Get rid of bed bugs with Advanced Pest Solutions

With more than 30 years of industry experience, Central and Coastal Maine residents can rely on Advanced Pest Solutions to exterminate bed bugs

Our bed bug control services start with a conversation with the property owner or manager and include: 

  • An initial bed bug inspection to confirm the presence of bed bugs and evaluate the severity of the infestation.

  • A customized bed bug treatment plan.

  • Implementation of bed bug control solution after the infested space has been prepped for treatment.

Reach out today if you would like to schedule a bed bug evaluation!

Seasonal mosquito & tick control 

To reduce mosquito and tick populations on Maine properties, Advanced Pest Solutions offers seasonal control from April to September. 

This mosquito and tick control service starts with a thorough inspection to uncover breeding and resting sites and other hotspots. Each month, we’ll stop by your property to treat the yard including the fence line, under the deck, and other areas we identified during our inspection.  

Sign up for mosquito and tick control today! 

Rather than spend your time worrying about these bloodsucking pests, keep Advanced Pest Solutions’ phone number handy should bed bugs find their way to your home or business, and take advantage of our seasonal services for mosquitoes and ticks. The concern is real, but when you partner with a local pest control company like ours, you don’t have to go it alone! 


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