Why Do I Have A Rodent Problem?

It goes without saying that when it gets cold outside rodents head indoors to look for shelter. Because of this, Maine residents need to pay close attention to their homes as we move into fall. We know it might seem a tad bit early to be discussing this given that we are a few weeks away from the official first day of autumn but already our pest control technicians out in the field are seeing signs of large infestations of mice and rats inside homes and businesses. In fact, 80% of our calls in the last few weeks of August were rodent related and we anticipate more property owners will be calling with the same concern(s).

house mouse in maine home

Why are rodents such a large problem right now?

A mild winter plus warm spring and summer months have created optimal conditions for mice and rats. Food sources are plentiful which means these critters are not only thriving, their reproduction efforts are on fire as well! 

Complaints of squirrels and chipmunks are turning out to be rodents

From the calls we’ve received, we’ve noticed that many property owners think they have an infestation of squirrels and chipmunks. Why? Because the noise level is so great, they assume anything that makes that much noise has to be a bigger rodent. The truth is, most of the time we are finding LARGE infestations of mice or rats and the noise is so loud because their nests are filled with these repulsive pests. 

Maine homes that have never had a rodent problem are suddenly experiencing issues

There are some homeowners in Maine who know without a doubt mice and rats will be a problem as the calendar turns towards September. Maybe they deal with rodent infestations year-round or just know from past experience, their homes are magnets for rodents when the weather cools. 

There’s another group though that while, they’ve never had mice and/or rats infestations before, they’re suddenly finding rodents in their basements, attics, and other parts of their homes. In addition to noises, they’re finding droppings under sinks and stoves as well as in all the other usual places. What’s more, when we go out to inspect, our pest control pros are finding grease marks (also called seabrum) made from rodents rubbing their bodies along walls as they travel the same pathways to and from the nest to other areas over and over again. 

What to do if rodents are already infesting your home

If you’re already dealing with a rodent infestation in your home, contact Advanced Pest Solutions. Our locally owned and operated Maine pest control company offers effective home pest control services in Augusta, Portland, and communities throughout our central, coastal, and southern Maine service area. 

How Advanced Pest Solutions gets rid of mice and rats inside Maine homes

Our Premium Care plan is a year-round service that targets 42 pests including house mice, deer mice, Norway rats and roof rats. When you sign up for this service, you can expect ongoing protection from rodents and other pests. Not only will we eliminate any existing pest pressures, we’ll make sure pests don’t have the chance to re-infest. And because our Premium Care plan includes a no-charge service guarantee, you can call us anytime if you’re worried that covered insects and/or rodents have breached your home and we’ll come out to treat at no-charge to you!

Mice and rats aren’t the only rodents causing trouble right now

In addition to the increased mice and rat activity in Maine, the same conditions that have made these rodent populations so large are having the same effect on ground hogs. At Advanced Pest Solutions, we’ve already completed several ground hog trappings and anticipate more request for help to come in from property owners who have this nuisance wildlife problem occurring. 


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