Tick Prevention Tips For Homeowners In Central & Coastal Maine

It’s a fact that Maine has a high rate of tick-borne diseases. Since ticks are extremely active right now in Auburn, Augusta, and Camden as well as throughout central and coastal Maine, it is imperative that residents use caution when spending time outdoors and take measures to reduce their risk of encountering these biting pests as much as possible. Not sure what that looks like? That’s okay, where here to help by offering simple, yet effective tick prevention tips. 

embedded tick on maine homeowner

Protecting yourself and family from ticks

Deer ticks and American dog ticks are both frequently found in wooded areas, tall grasses, fields, and lawns as well as areas where manicured lawns meet forest among other areas.  If you plan on spending time exploring and playing in the great outdoors or if work in landscaping, tree service, or another outdoor profession, be sure to follow the tips highlighted below.

  • Wear EPA-approved repellents.

  • Wear long-sleeved shirts and pants, preferably light-colored.

  • Tuck pants into socks and your shirt into your waistband.

  • Treat your clothing and gear with products that contain permethrin (bonus, it lasts several washes).

  • Inspect yourself carefully after every foray into areas where ticks are prevalent – this includes your clothing and your body.

  • Check children and pets for ticks as well. 

Reduce tick habitats on your property

As is the case with mice, spiders, and other Maine pests, ticks will take up residence on your property if conditions are attractive. To make your property less hospitable to ticks, try these tips:

  • Mow your lawn regularly – the Maine CDC recommends three inch or less grass length.

  • Remove leaves, brush, and other organic debris from your lawn/yard.

  • Trimming lower branches and think out shrubs and hedges to allow sunlight in.

  • Clear out dense overgrowth and cut back tall grass. 

Have a professional treat your lawn for ticks

In addition to the tick prevention tips we mentioned above, we highly recommend signing up for seasonal tick treatments. At Advanced Pest Solutions, we offer tick control services that are designed to fight these biting pests when they are most active in Maine, typically April through September. What’s more, this same service targets mosquitoes – another common summertime pest in our neck of the woods!

When you contact Advanced Pest Solutions for help getting rid of ticks, you can expect monthly yard treatments targeting areas where these disease-spreading pests breed and where they rest, including but not limited to:

  • Fence lines

  • Trees, shrubs, bushes, and ornamentals

  • Transitional zones where lawn meets wood

  • Other tick and mosquito hotspots

Don’t wait for ticks to come calling, reach out to Advanced today and reduce your risk of acquiring Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses as well as mosquito-borne illness that threaten people and pets! 


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