Is DIY Pest Control Dangerous?

Finding mouse droppings and other signs of pest infestation in and around your home can be annoying and a bit disconcerting if we’re being completely honest. No one wants to share their home with insects or rodents and yet it happens and all most homeowners can think of is how do I solve this problem right now? The next step really depends on your personality- do you run a Google search for a local pest control company or grab the car keys and head out in search of a DIY solution at the store? In this blog post, we’re going to focus on the latter option and more specifically the dangers and pitfalls of choosing this course of action.

Health risks associated with DIY pest control 

When it comes to DIY pest control products, more is not better. In fact, it can be quite harmful to your health. Applying products and materials liberally could actually induce allergic reactions, cause respiratory issues, and irritate skin and eyes. The severity of risk really depends on exposure and sensitivity; it must be considered if you’re going to take a spray can at an ant trail or use another type of DIY solution. 

If you’re not convinced, take a look at a product’s safety data sheet. There’s a whole section dedicated to its dangers and hazards. Examples of common warnings include harmful if swallowed and harmful if inhaled. Some even list that their products could cause damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure. 

Damage caused by using DIY products

When we bring up damage, we’re not necessarily referring to structural damage. That said, we’ve seen situations where homeowners have torn open walls and caused other damage inside their homes in order to get to pests. We’ve also read news stories where homeowners have hit their limit and actually set fire to their belongings in order to get rid of bed bugs. 

Damages run the gambit though – from minor cosmetic damage to what we just mentioned above. If you use a spray wrong, you could stain your walls or destroy fabrics. 

The argument for professional pest control specialists

Licensed pest control professionals do not take the same approach as property owners when it comes to resolving pest problems. Instead, they use the least amount of product necessary to exterminate pests and only apply said material in areas where they know they’ll cross paths with bugs and rodents. 

What’s more, some pest control companies like Advanced Pest Solutions provide Integrated Pest Management (IPM) solutions that eliminate and prevent pest activity in homes and businesses. 

What is IPM?

The EPA defines IPM as an effective and environmentally sensitive approach to pest management that relies on a combination of common-sense practices. IPM programs use current, comprehensive information on the life cycles of pests and their interaction with the environment. This information, in combination with available pest control methods, is used to manage pest damage by the most economical means, and with the least possible hazard to people, property, and the environment.

In layman’s terms, a pest control specialist following the IPM method will not simply spray chemicals everywhere they think there’s a nest or problem. Instead, the focus will be on the prevention and reduction of pests as well as the elimination of the conditions that attract insects and rodents in the first place. If a product is deemed necessary, it will be used judiciously and with precision targeting. 

If you have a pest problem, Advanced is ready to help!

Here at Advanced Pest Solutions, our mission is to use responsible and eco-friendly pest solutions that protect the health and well-being of our customers and employees and simultaneously eliminate pests- no matter how tough!  

If you’ve detected pest activity in or around your house and want some help, we’d love to swing by. Our home pest control services are available in Manchester, Lewiston, and Camden as well as throughout our central and coastal Maine service area and include: 

  • Year-round pest control

  • Seasonal services (frequency depends on the selected plan)

  • Interior and exterior treatments 

  • No-charge service guarantee

  • Coverage for 42 or more pests

In addition to our ongoing pest control plans for homes, we also offer:

Call Advanced Pest Solutions today at (207) 312-9836 for more information; you can also fill out our contact form here and we’ll reach out to discuss your situation!


Enjoy A Bed Bug Free Spring Break 


Are Mouse Traps & Other Do-It-Yourself Rodent Control Products Effective?