Enjoy A Bed Bug Free Spring Break 

Spring break is one of the most anticipated times of the year – a time to relax, enjoy some time away from home, and explore new places. But did you know that coming home from your vacation could mean bringing unwelcome pests with you? Bed bugs are one of the most common of these pests, and they can be easily transported from place to place. The best way to keep bed bugs out of your home is to make sure you don’t bring them home from spring break. 

What do bed bugs look like?

Bed bugs are small, oval shaped insects that feed on human blood and can be found in a variety of locations, including hotels and other lodging establishments. These parasites are often difficult to detect, making them a nuisance that can be difficult to get rid of once they have found their way into your home.

How to prevent unwanted souvenirs 

Since you really don’t want to bring bed bugs home, it’s important to inspect your hotel room for signs of infestation. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you look for bed bugs in your room:

  • Check the mattress, box spring, and bedframe for adult bed bugs (hint, they are visible to the naked eye)

  • Look for black streaks on fabrics – this is bed bug excrement – and also bed bug eggs

  • Examine other furniture, under the edges of carpets, behind wall hangings, and electronics for bed bug activity 

Make sure you use your smartphone’s flashlight when searching for these bugs and DO NOT bring your suitcase and belongings into the room until you’re certain it’s clear. 

If you’re worried that you room has bed bugs, it’s important to notify hotel staff right away. Be sure to take photos of any evidence that you find and keep a record of your conversation with staff. Consider finding accommodations elsewhere but if you stay at that lodging, be sure to request a room far from the infested area and on another level. 

Don’t let down your guard even after the bed bug inspection

Even after you confirm your accommodations are bed bug free, you should behave like your room could develop a bed bug infestation. You see, it’s not unheard of for bed bugs to crawl from a neighboring room. So even if you do everything right, the vacationers on either side of you may not and you could wake up with bed bug bites. To be proactive in this particular fight, you should:

  • Store your luggage off the floor on luggage racks or even in the tub in the bathroom. 

  • Do not use the room’s set of drawers for your clothing

  • Keep an eye out for reddish brown stains on your bedding and bites on your arms, legs, or other exposed skin after a night of sleep

Check your suitcase & belongings for bed bugs at home

When you return home from your spring break trip, it is important to inspect your belongings for signs of bed bugs. This should be done outside or in the garage where you’ll see a crawling bug quickly and easily. You should not unpack on your bed, the couch, or even the carpeted floor. If you find any signs of bed bugs, contact a bed bug control specialist right away. 

Need help getting rid of bed bugs in Central and Coastal Maine?

If you’ve returned to Maine and discovered that you brought bed bugs home, contact Advanced Pest Solutions for help. Offering effective bed bug control in Litchfield, Boothbay Harbor, and Waterville as well as throughout central and coastal Maine, Advanced Pest Solutions can help. Our services include:

  • A thorough bed bug inspection

  • The development of a customized bed bug control plan

  • A guide to preparing for a bed bug treatment 

  • A highly effective treatment that eradicates bed bug activity

You cannot eliminate bed bugs from your home or business without proper treatment. While there are sprays you can grab at the store, their effectiveness is questionable. For bed bug control you can trust, contact Advanced Pest Solutions today!


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