Where Do Mice Hide?

As it is the time of year when homeowners are apt to start rummaging through closets or the attic in search of their holiday décor, we thought it seemed an appropriate time to issue a warning about mice and where you’re likely to find them hiding INSIDE your home this fall.

Are mice really hiding?

It might surprise you but mice don’t really want to be your buddy. Sure, they want to nest in your house, eat your food, vacate their bowels on whatever surface they deem good, and chew on your belongings but they definitely DO NOT want to be your friend or even hang out within five feet of you on any given day. All that to say, yes mice really do hide from property owners during daylight hours. 

Where mice hide

Generally speaking, mice are going to hide in areas where there is little to no foot traffic so as to avoid encounters with humans. Common hiding spots for mice include, but are certainly not limited to:

  • Wall voids

  • Under kitchen appliances

  • Pantries 

  • Inside furniture

  • In or among boxes and “clutter” in storage areas

  • Behind cabinets

  • Air ducts

  • Attic insulation

Attics, basements, crawl spaces, garages, and other areas where household items are stored are often utilized by mice because they can retain a certain degree of anonymity. 

If they hide during the day, how do you know you have a mouse problem?

Mice are primarily nocturnal critters but that doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t see one during the day. If a nest is disturbed or they’re searching for food, you might spot one scurrying about. Now if you suspect you have a mouse infestation but haven’t seen a live mouse anywhere, look for the following signs:

  • Mouse feces that are black in color and resemble grains of rice

  • Urine stains that may smell like ammonia

  • Footprints and marks from their tails in dust or dirt

  • Mouse nests or shredded materials that they plan to line their nests with

  • Rub marks along walls created by the grease and dirt from their bodies

  • Scratching noises overhead, in the walls, under floorboards etc.

  • Dead mice 

Take care of your mouse problem right away so you can be thankful for a rodent-free home

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, now is the time to take action if you’re worried about a possible mouse problem in your home. Who wants to celebrate the upcoming holidays with family, friends, and mice? No one!

At Advanced Pest Solutions, we offer effective pest control services in Bath, Manchester, and Gardiner as well as throughout our central and coastal Maine service area that get rid of mice. And for property owners that are looking for a proactive and long-term solution that keeps mice and other pests out all year long, we highly recommend signing up for one of Advanced Pest Solutions’ home pest control plans! 

To find out how we can help you protect your family and home or to schedule service, please visit our contact us form or give us a call!


Not A Creature Was Stirring, Not Even A Mouse


Avoiding Rodent Problems This Fall In Maine