Types Of Ticks In Maine

We realize it may seem a bit early to be talking about ticks since there’s still snow in the forecast for parts of Maine this weekend but make no mistake, ticks are already active! What’s more, the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), in their Spring & Summer 2021 Bug Barometer press release last month, noted that there would be an increase in tick activity in New England this coming summer thanks in part to a warm, wet spring and a summer forecast that is expected to be mild and wet. With that in mind, let’s turn our attention to the types of ticks that are most active in Maine.

tick crawling on person’s finger

Deer Ticks

When you think of deer ticks (technically called blacklegged ticks), you can’t help but think of Lyme disease. An illness caused by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi, it is spread by the bite of an infected deer tick. It is important to note that not every deer tick you encounter will be infected but that should not stop you from taking measures to reduce your, your family’s, and your pets’ exposure to these biting pests.  What’s more, deer ticks are also known vectors of other tickborne illness including, but not limited to anaplasmosis and babesiosis.

Found throughout the state of Maine, deer ticks are especially prevalent in wooded or forested areas, tall grasses, and dense overgrowth as well as other areas where leaves, brush, and other organic debris accumulate.  It is also very common to find these ticks along fence lines and in transitional areas where lawn and woods meet.

American Dog Ticks

Sometimes called wood ticks, American dog ticks are another common type of tick in Maine. Though not as well-known as deer ticks, this type of tick is the primary vector of Rocky Mountain spotted fever and infected American dog ticks are capable of transmitting tularemia, and canine tick paralysis.

American dog ticks are found throughout Maine and especially in the southwestern portion of the state. Areas to keep an eye out for these ticks include fields, lawns, and wooded or forested areas.

Brown Dog Ticks

It makes sense that brown dog ticks are frequently referred to as kennel ticks as they are known to inhabit dog kennels and other environments that house domestic dogs. Though these pests are not found in the wilds of Maine nor are they as common of a tick problem as the other two previously mentioned, brown dog ticks do show up in Maine and are important vectors of disease in dog including canine ehrlichiosis and canine babesiosis.

Brown dog ticks are adept at indoor living and may show up in homes where dogs are present and, as mentioned above, are likely to be found in dog kennels.

How to reduce ticks on your property

At Advanced Pest Solutions, we offer effective seasonal tick control services in Belgrade, Newport, and Cape Elizabeth as well as throughout our central, coastal, and southern Maine service area.

When you choose our locally owned and operated pest control company, we’ll treat your property every month April through September to significantly reduce tick activity. We’ll target exterior tick breeding and resting sites including, but not limited to:

  • Fence lines

  • Areas where lawn meets woods

  • Overgrowth

  • Trees, shrubs, and bushes

Don’t let ticks keep you indoors while Maine’s weather is at its best, contact us today to learn more about our service or to sign up!


Tick Prevention Tips That Help Stop The Spread Of Lyme Disease