Types Of Spring Pests To Expect In Maine

February is a hard month- the pounds gained over the holidays haven’t magically disappeared, we’re short on Vitamin D, and it is still winter!  Now we know, there are plenty of winter fans in Maine and that includes us but we find ourselves anticipating the arrival of spring. There’s just one part of this season that isn’t all sunshine and flowers and that’s the springtime pests that will show up on your doorstep or even inside your home. 


As soon as the cold weather arrives in Maine, carpenter ants, odorous house ants, pavement ants, and other ants common to our state disappear and don’t show up again until the warm days of spring arrive and they start stirring. Well, that’s not exactly accurate either. On occasion, we might see a day or two of above average temperatures and that could get these pests moving but they’ll get back to hibernating as soon as it gets cold again. 

Browntail moths

Right now, browntail moths are still hanging out in their winter webs but it won’t be long before the caterpillars emerge and make their way onto your property. Unfortunately, once they emerge in mid-April, they’ll start feeding on and damaging trees and before you know it, you’ll have to worry about their toxic hairs causing rashes. 


Spiders survive winters in Maine by living in wall voids, attics, crawl spaces, garages, and storage closets as well as other rooms with low foot traffic. Once spring arrives and the temperatures climb, you’re likely to notice more spider activity as other insects (i.e., their food) become more active in and around your home.


During the winter months, we don’t typically have to worry about ticks unless the weather is mild. The temporary reprieve from worrying about ticks and the diseases they spread is welcome but short-lived. Once spring arrives and milder days persist, you can expect to see Lyme disease spreading deer ticks on your property.  

Spring pest prevention tips

To keep pests out of your home and away from your family this spring, we recommend:

  • Making sure there aren’t any fresh, unsealed cracks or gaps along your foundation

  • Trimming limbs that are touching your home

  • Keeping your yard well-maintained

  • Eliminating moisture

  • Storing trash in cans that have tight-fitting lids

  • Covering windows with screens that fit tightly in the frame

  • Installing screen doors that let in the fresh spring air but not pests

Sign up for home pest control services for the best protection

At Advanced Pest Solutions, we offer year-round home pest control services in Manchester, Winthrop, and Lewiston as well as throughout central and coastal Maine that eliminate and prevent common household pests from infesting.

In addition to our residential pest plans, we also offer tick control and solutions that target browntail moth caterpillars. 

For more information or to schedule an inspection with one of Advanced Pest Solutions’ owners, please reach out today! 


Preventing & Treating Browntail Moths In Maine


Winter In Maine Doesn’t Stop The Pests