Mosquito Season In Maine Can Be Wicked Intense

Ah, summer in Maine! Unpredictable weather, constant road construction, and tourists pouring in from just about every corner of the world. And we can’t forget about the mosquitoes. Dreaded mosquitoes. In this blog post, we’ll discuss why mosquito season can be wicked intense, what property owners can do to keep these biting pests from taking over, and how professional mosquito control is a great way to protect their families from mosquito bites.

Why are mosquitoes so bad in Maine?

These biting pests are particularly bad in our state due to a combination of factors, including:

  • Plenty of stagnant or slow-moving water sources

  • A humid climate that creates the optimal environment for mosquitoes to thrive

  • Lush vegetation and forested areas that offer perfect hiding spots for these bugs during the hottest parts of the day

How to keep mosquitoes away

To protect yourself and family members against mosquito bites and possibly even illness transmitted by infected mosquitoes, our local pest control specialists recommend the following mosquito prevention tips:

  • Fix clogged gutters to eliminate potential mosquito breeding sites

  • Empty any container or item that collects or holds water, including buckets, empty pots, tarps, grill covers, trash can lids, and kiddie pools

  • Store items upside down so that mosquitoes cannot lay eggs in the water that accumulates

  • Clear yard of debris

  • Mow the lawn regularly

  • Remove dense vegetation and overgrowth

  • Thin out shrubs, bushes, and other landscaping where light cannot penetrate

  • Haul away leaves, twigs, and other organic debris

  • Refresh water in bird baths, kiddie pools, and water elements

Seasonal mosquito treatments can be a game changer

While the mosquito prevention tips listed above will certainly help make your property less appealing to mosquitoes, it won’t completely stop them either. To be able to sit on your deck, watch your kids play in the yard, and grill with friends without being chased indoors by these pesky bugs, contact Advanced Pest Solutions for help.

Our locally owned and operated pest control company offers effective mosquito control in Waterville, Sabattus, and Topsham as well as throughout our service area that drastically reduces the number of mosquitoes flying around, breeding, and resting.  Our seasonal mosquito treatment program includes a thorough inspection to identify mosquito hotspots and breeding sites and monthly yard treatments April through September that target adult mosquitoes and disrupt the breeding cycle.

Why put up with itchy mosquito bites this summer, contact Advanced Pest Solutions for help today!


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